Food Laws and Regulation(vol-2)

 Food Laws In INDIA,

food laws and regulation(vol-1food laws and regulation(vol-1)))

The Indian Parliament has just now proceeded with the Food Safety and Standards Act,2006 that overturns all other food-related laws.
  1. Prevention oaf Food Adulteration Act,1954
  2. Food Product Order,1955
  3. Meat Food Product Order,1973
  4. Vegetable Oil Product Order,1947
  5. Edible Oil Packaging Ordre,1988
  6. Solvent Extracted Oil-Oiled Meal and Edible Flour Order,1967

 All these earlier laws hold within newly found Food Safety laws, Food Safety Standards FSS and all-controlling agency have been also introduced, that is called Food Safety and Standard Authority of India FSSAI. 

  1. Milk and Milk Products Order,1992, they also repeated after commencement of Food Safety and Standard(FSS)Act,2006
  2. Under the tree of Food Safety and Standards Act,2006, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has been established which consolidates various Acts and Order that have either to handle the food-related issue in various ministries and departments.
  3. The purpose to build these bodies or regulatory institutes or organizations is that to lay  down science-based standards for articles of food, different articles of food and to regulate their producers, storage, distribution, buyers, consumers, and import to ensure availability of safe and wholeness food for human consumption

FSSAI is entrusted with the following functions to perform:

  • Foundation of policy to set up the Standard and guidelines in association to a section of food and specifying an applicable system of enforcing various standards.
  • To provide powerful mass mechanisms and guidelines for accreditation of certification bodies of food safety management systems for food businesses.
  • Laying down policy and regulation for accreditation of laboratories and notification of the accredited laboratories.
  • To provide scientific advice and technical supports to Central Governments and State Governments in the matter of establishing the policy and rule in areas which have a direct or indirect connection of Food safety and nutrition.
  • To collect data regarding food consumption, incidence, and prevalence of biological risk, contamination in food, residues of various, a contaminant in the food product, identification of emerging risk and introduction of rapid alert system
  • To provide training programs for people who are entrusted or involve to get in food businesses.
  • To encourage the general acknowledgment about food safety and standards.


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