Food Laws and Regulation (Vol-1)

Food Laws And Regulations - Why (Vol-1)


  • The objectives of the food laws to encounter a country’s sanitary and phytosanitary requirements,
  • Phytosanitary terms at or aims at the conditions of the encompassing plant origin or Plantae , right. So, to satisfy a country’s sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, food must suits the local laws and regulations to realize market access,

what are the factors on which it depends?

  •   In some countries this might be hooked in to the international whatever goes on international control mechanism or international rules and regulations, that depends on the country itself. It may be that international boards are or regulatory authorities, they need framed certain rules and regulations.

  • In some country some laws also govern food quality and composition standard

 The requirement of food regulation may be based on some factors such as:

  •  for example, whether a rustic adopts international norms developed by Codex, alimentarius commission of the food and agriculture organization that's the FAO of the United Nations or UN, and the world health organization WHO, right. So, all this control bodies establish this Codex alimentarius. Because that's the international bodies which control the whole thing Codex.
  • A country may also have a its own suite of food regulation.

Why we needs some food safety standards?

  • The term refers 'food safety' represents different ideas to different audiences  .
  • Consumers, special interest groups, regulators ,industry and academia will have their unique explanation based on their perspectives.
  • Food safety is an developing of growing importance due to several WorldWide trends in food system.
  • The growing people migration,live animals and food products across borders, rapid urbanization in developing countries, changes in food handling, and the emergency of new pathogen or antibiotic resistance in pathogen all contribute to the increasing food safety risks.
  • The liberalization trade and growing number of imported foodstuffs too increase the food safety risks
  • Inadequate food safety is a notable contribute to the burden of disease in different countries, and should be addressed as the food system develops and along with related investments in public health. simple sanitation and water favour may be a prerequisite for addressing many food safety hazards,

  • Now, industrial development of agricultural mass production and increase in the number of food services is establishment, tourism, organization with subsequent changes in lifestyles. Food utilization pattern and food preparation practices require high level of food safety standards.

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