Food Additives

  • What is food additives?
Food additives we can define that substance, those are added to products to perform specific technological functions such as say it may act as a preservative, or it may act as
inhibitor to the growth of organisms or pathogens, or it may act as coloring material, or it
may add a flavor to the material.

Food additive we can define as a substance that is added to either extend the life or to
improve the color, or to impose some flavour or order to impart some flavor or order to
the specific food, or maybe to inactivate some enzymatic reactions. So, those or to
maybe keep away the pathogenic organisms from the food material; so, those substances
maybe called the additive.

Now, food additives as a whole we can say that food additives are any substitute or any
substance, that becomes a part of a foodstuff either directly or indirectly during
processing storing or packaging.


To maintains the nutritional quality of the food material, and this enhances the stability reducing wastage makes food attractive to consumers, in a manner that that precludes deception provides essential aids to food processing.

Types of additives

1-Natural -Which are found naturally such as extract of beetroot can be used as coloring agent.

2-Manmade additives-Chemical synthetic substances may be found naturally such as Benzoic acid[E210] used as preservatives.

3- Artificial - Synthetically produced,naturally not available.

GRAS(Generally Recognized As Safe)

1- This was first established in 700 places on the list of without going through testing, right. So, if those lists is your item it falls under those list, generally recognized as safe, then you candirectly add it without testing,

2- Now those substances are being reevaluated.

3-Food have been removed.

What is required to become food additives?

1-Prove additives are effective.

2-Prove additives can be detected and measured in final product.

3-study the effect of the substance on animals (in large does)

4-submit the result to validate the finding

5-FDA(Federal Department of Adulteration) approves or reject

The function of food additives


 preservatives keep food fresh, reduce spoilage control bacteria, fungi, yeast, and molds any such that are controlled by resistance.

  1. Benzonate
  2. BHT(butylated hydroxytoluene), BHA(Butylated hydroxylanisole)
  3. sodium bisulfate or meta bisulfite.
  4. or calcium propionate that inhibits molds.


Processing Aids

Processing aid it may help in the processing to improve the consistency to add stability or to aid oil and water mixtures and retain moisture.

  1. gums are used that can be alginate, or the carrageenan or xanthan.
  2. Aluminum, calcium silicate
  3. benzoyl peroxide



To maintain or enhance the nutritional quality of food.
  1. Alpha tocopherol
  2. ascorbic Acid
  3. Biotin



Magnify or modify the east of aroma of food
  1. Cron Syrup
  2. Ethyl Vanillin



Give food a desired, appetizing or characteristics color
  1. Carmel
  2. Citrus Red
  3. FD & Blue NO1
  4. FD & Red No3
  5. FD & Yellow No5


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